Comstock Seed

Our Story

Proven History

Throughout the 1980s, Comstock Seed founder, Ed Kleiner, spent the majority of his time testing and perfecting the most successful land reclamation and restoration practices. Working with multiple rural industrial sectors, Ed focused his attention on utilities, public agencies, agriculture, and energy. By the early 1990s, Ed’s influence began to expand, helping local and state agencies, contractors, and engineering firms in the Tahoe Basin and western Nevada areas implement these best practices. In the following years, Ed’s expertise in drought tolerant species paved the way for him to partner with people in more markets, including solar energy, geothermal, water infrastructure, rare species collections, and urban restoration. Ed emphasized the need for native species that are acclimated to thrive in dry landscapes, forwarding efforts in water conservation and environmentally responsible landscaping. 

Our Founder
Comstock Harvesting


For over four decades, Ed’s focus was educating the market on the benefits of environmentally positive applications for landscaping practices. As industry focus shifted, Ed’s expertise ensured that Comstock Seed was already ahead of the curve. To maintain focus on the overall goal of site stability with low to no maintenance, Ed specifically emphasized ecological processes, serial succession, soil health, water conservation, and ever changing landscapes. Long-term success in restoration and reclamation projects requires genetically localized species that have naturally evolved to survive and sustain in local environments. Ed understood the importance of this better than most.

Comstock Seed Hopper
Seed Harvester
Ed Kleiner - Founder